News & Stories
Register for ALS Caregiving 101, a virtual program that includes a live Q&A session on Saturday, April 6, 2024 from 9am – 5pm. Through this training, ALS Caregivers will learn…
Caring for someone living with ALS is hard work. ALS Northwest offers a variety of opportunities for caregivers to connect with professionals and one another. Whether it’s through a monthly…
Cathy Davies and Sue Mullenburg have been together for 20 years. This couple is an inspiring example of the sacrifices partners make in the face of an ALS diagnosis. They…
Scott and Stephanie Mclagan live outside of Bend, Oregon. Scott and Stephanie have been married for over five decades. Scott has cared for Stephanie since her ALS diagnosis in 2009.…
Melanie Canton of Vancouver, WA “My husband was diagnosed with ALS in May of 2021. The diagnosis was devastating and turned our lives upside down. I struggled through the next…
Written by Laura Geilenfeldt, LMSW – Southern Oregon Care Services Coordinator I recently had the privilege of meeting with Jonathan and Amber Jenson. In honor of Caregiver Appreciation Month, I…