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Volunteer Program Info Session

June 26 @ 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every month that begins at 12:00 pm on day Last of the month, repeating indefinitely

Laughing Together

Curious about our new volunteer programs? Come find out about how to get involved as a volunteer or receive volunteer services through our Helping Hands and Mentor Support Programs.

Our goal is to help make the lives of people living with ALS and their families a bit easier through volunteer assistance, as well as to offer an outlet where volunteers can bring their energy and talents to help the ALS community.

Helping Hands Program
To make life a little easier for those impacted by ALS, we created the Helping Hands Program. Through this program, we match trained volunteers with individuals and families affected by ALS to assist with tasks or offer companionship as a friendly visitor.

Mentor Support Program
For caregivers, the best support often comes one-on-one from those who are on the same journey. Our Mentor Support Program connects those who are new to or currently serving as caregivers to former caregivers who have already lost a loved one that can share experiences and support.

Come learn more about these opportunities and ask any questions you might have. Attendees are welcome to bring their lunches if they desire.

When: On the Last Thursday of Each Month at Noon

Where: Zoom

Register at the link below! 

We hope you can make it!


Annie Teer