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7 Questions with Our New Care Services Coordinator
Gabriel O’Brien is the new Care Services Coordinator for the Portland metro region at ALS Northwest. Jennifer Jordan from our communications team recently sat down with him for a brief question and answer session.
1. Where are you from, and what brought you to the Pacific Northwest?
I was born in California and I grew up in Pheonix, Arizona. I’ve always wanted to move to Portland—I first visited six years ago and fell in love with it! Between the overall greenery and the mountains, I really appreciate the close connection to nature. It’s been really fun to explore so far. Portland is just a fun city!
2. Can you share a bit about your background? What inspired you to pursue social work?
After starting out with an Arts degree, I took several sociology courses and grew really interested in that field. Ultimately, with my interest in sociology I found the best fit in social work.
3. What drew you to joining ALS Northwest and to supporting the ALS community?
At my previous workplace in Arizona, Hospice of the Valley, I had several interactions with people with ALS. I saw everything ALS Arizona* did for those folks and was really inspired, so I was happy to see this opening with ALS Northwest.
4. What are you most looking forward to accomplishing in your new role with us?
I want to gain as much knowledge as possible on the specific issues faced by people with ALS. I also want to meet as many people with ALS as I can so I can learn how best to support them.
5. How do you see your skills contributing to our mission?
I have almost a decade of social work experience. I’ve also worked significantly with people with terminal illnesses—but beyond that, I have the personality and willingness to help!
6. What’s one interesting fact about you that most people wouldn’t know?
I love board games! When I still lived in Phoenix near my family, we played Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, and Carcossonne. I also have two younger sisters and am very close with them.
7. What hobbies or activities do you enjoy outside of work?
I enjoy hiking with my dog Korra, who’s six years old. I’m also a big concert goer and look forward to checking out the local music scene.
*ALS Arizona and ALS Northwest are both members of ALS United.
Gabriel will coordinate care services, facilitate support groups and provide tailored resources to people living with ALS and their families across the Portland metropolitan area. Learn more about how our dedicated Care Services Coordinators can support you.